1. "Another Iori by Zelgadis" Another Iori made his official appearance in KoF 2000 as a striker, but was never playable. Gameplay wise he is very similar to Iori himself, possessing all his basic moves, specials, and hypers. His AI is brutal, so this edit makes for a good sub-boss. A good character in all.
2. "Iori Yagami-KOFM by Zelgadis" This Iori is from the fan-made game The Kig of Fighters Memorial. He retains all his specials and hypers as the original. Has dreamcancels, and supercancels. A good character in all.
3. "Iori-ROTD by Ryo 2005" This Iori is almost unchanged from the original. He has been given Rage of the Dragons style gameplay, and retains all his specials and hypers. Well suited for any roster.
4. "Iori-Type-M by Gaku" For the most part this edit is similar to the original, as he retains the usual moves as the original, but also has a couple of hypers that nearly cover half the screen. Has Another Iori, and Syo Kirishima as strikers. A good character overall.
5. "Iori-Type-M by MIT" The original version of Iori-Type-M. He has the exact same moves as the updated version, but his palettes are badly glitched during his animations. I'd pass on this one.
6. "High School Iori by Mother Earth" This Iori retains all his basic moves, specials, and hypers as the original. His sprites have been edited to resemble school attire, hence his name, other then that he's pretty much the same.
7. "Iori Bogard by Wing Syo" This Iori has been edited to resemble Terry Bogard. He retains some of Iori's moves, but his specials are mostly from Terry. He appears to be a late beta, as he has no hypers. He's not good, but he's not bad, so give him a try if you want.
8. "Iori Nikaido by Kyo Yagami" This Iori is based off Benimaru Nikaido. His basic moves are mostly unchanged, and while his animations for his specials and hypers are the same as Iori's his flames have been replaced with lightning like Benimaru. He is still a beta, but is more then playable.
9. "Iori_XIII by MyMugen" This Iori has gameplay from KoF XIII, and sports the attire from said game. His sprites have been redone to give off a more KoF 2000 feel. He retains all his specials, and hypers. A good character in all.
10. "Black Moon Iori by Clayton" A slight edit of Iori_XIII, that gives him a new palette, and a few extra moves, inluding a couple of full-screen hypers. Makes for a good boss.
11. "Another Iori by --4LUC4RD H3L§!NG--" This version of another Iori is similar to Zelgadis's version, having similar specials and hypers, but he now has an Orochi mode that can be triggered in gameplay, giving him enhanced damage and speed. The only issue is that he has no SND file, and thus has no sound.
12. "Iori-XM by MugenGoku" Also known as Demon Ghost Iori, this edit retains the basic moveset, but also has a few full-screen hypers as well. Has Kyo Kusanagi, Chizuru Kagura, Ash Crimson, Another Iori, and Alba Mira as strikers. A good character in all.
13. "F-Iori by Vans" This Iori is very similar to MyMugen's version, having similar specials, and hypers. FF3 revealed Akuma's portrait in his sprites, but for what reason is unknown to me. Unfortunately, other then the portrait that's all I've been able to find, if anyone finds more let me know.
14. "Yiori by Unknown Author" I honestly don't know what to think of this edit. He appears to have purposefully been given a glitched palette. He retains the usual moves, specials, and hypers. He still plays pretty good though.
15. "Iori-XII_KOFM by Zergkunio" This edit uses Iori's appearance from KoF XIII, but uses custom sprites, and has gameplay from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial. He retains all his specials and hypers from XIII, but he many glitched palettes during his animations. I'd pass on this one.
16. "EX Orochi Iori by Jerzy" This edit of Orochi Iori is almost unchanged from the original, but he has been given a few full-screen hypers, mostley involving flaming explosions, and Orochi Leona as a striker. His AI is pretty tough, so he makes for a good boss.
17. "Christmas Yagami by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" A cheap yet interesting edit. He replaces the stage music with "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", New features include throwing presents, and few full-screen hypers. He has his usual specials and hypers as well. Download if you like cheap edits.
18. "Clone Yagami by Hell" For the most part this edit is the same as the original Iori, but his flames have been edited to resemble blood. Has chargecancels and dreamcancels. A decent character overall.
19. "Clone Yagami Blood by Hell" A supposed edit of Clone Yagami. Besides the new name, I have no idea what else has been changed. If anyone finds something new let me know.
20. "Curse Seal by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" I don't know what this Iori is based off. He retains the basic moveset as the original. Added hypers include a series of slashing attacks, using a spirit like being with a bow, and calling in Element, and two other Iori edits that are unknown to me. Makes for a good sub-boss.
21."Yagami by Yiori" This Iori is almost unchanged from the original. I believe he was created to be a clone to Iori, like Kusanagi is to Kyo. He has some kind of counter system built into his gameplay. Well suited for any roster.
22.Yagami-KOFM by Jin" This version of Yagami is pretty much the same as the one mentioned above, but his gameplay is from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial. He retains all the moves as the original Iori. Well suited for any roster.
23. "Yagami-AKOF by Jin" This version is also similar to the one mentioned above. He's from the fan-made game Another King of Fighters. Has Dreamcancels and Superancels. Well suited for any roster.
24. "Iori Yagami-CT by CrisTian Adrian" This Iori retains the usual moves as the original. The only thing new I was able to find was a few full-screen hypers. If anyone finds more features please let me know.
25. "Nightmare Iori by Kirishima16" This Iori is similar to the original, he retains the usual specials and hypers, but has a few minor changes. These include a creepy voice and purple flames. The AI is decent,so he fits the part of a sub-boss pretty well.
26. "Park Shio by Yagami" This Iori retains none of the moves from the original. Instead he fights using sports equipment, such as throwing basketballs, and using a bat as a weapon. He is also somewhat of a brawler as well. A good character in all.
27. "Clone Iori by Sybreed" This Iori is just as the name implies, a simple clone of Iori himself. He retains the usual moves as the original, but also has a few full-screen hypers as well. Well suited for any roster.
28. "Iori Super Clone by Zelgadis & Purple" A cheap cheap boss edit of Iori. He retains the usual moveset, specials, and hypers. Additional features include Another Iori as a striker, Zero's White Hole, Orochi's Lightning Pillar, lasers, and a full-screen hyper were he floods the screen with even more lasers. Download if you like cheap characters.
29. "Zeori by Jesuszilla" A joke edit of Iori. His voice clip is rather humorous, for the most part he is a brawler, and also retains some of the original hypers. New features involve throwing what looks like a dirt ball as a projectile and the use of a jumbo jet. Also on rare occasions he die automatically at the beginning of some rounds giving his foe an instant victory. Download if you like joke edits.
30. "Troubleman by DrKelexo" Another joke edit of Iori. He plays similar to the original, but has a humorous voice to go along with it. New features include tossing bombs, causing green drops of what looks like acid to fall from the sky, as well as throwing a green sphere in a bouncing formation. Slight NSFW warning: has some strong language. Download if you like joke edits.
31. "Orochi Iori by °ËÉñÔ³" An edit of Orochi Iori, unfortunately, I can't find anything new that has been added, no extra specials, hypers, anything. If anyone does please let me know.
32. "Dante B. by Smoke(Jessica Smoke)" I don't know what this Iori is based off. He appears to be a brawler for the most part, but he can also shape his arms into what looks like drills and what also looks like black whirlwinds. Decent overall.
33. "Dark-Ai by Yagami & Ihoo1836" This Iori is an edit of Iori Clone-9 (see below), other then the awesome palette he's pretty much the same. Still good for the roster though.
34. "Iori Clone-9 by Ihoo1836" A sub-boss from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial and the fan-made sequel. For the most part he retains the usual moves as the original, but he has been given a brutal AI, and few hypers that involve a flurry of slashing like attacks to name of some.Has Another Iori as a striker. He fills the role of a cheap boss character very well.
35. "Iori Clone-9 by Unknown Author" A slight edit of Iori Clone-9, he has been given a few hypers that cover roughly half the screen, other then that he's just as brutal as the original.
36. "Dark Iori Clone-9 by CrisTian adrian" This Iori is a simple palette swap of Iori Clone-9, giving him an almost vampire like appearance along with ghostly white flames. Aside from these changes he is pretty much the same.
37. "Dark Iori by EROS_MX" This edit is similar to Dark Iori Clone-9, but he has the usual purple flames. Additional features include numerous specials involving demonic beasts and a vampiress. Great for any roster.
38. "Ice-Clone Iori by Jin & EX1" This edit retains the fire based attacks, but as the name implies he also has ice based attacks as well. These inlude an ice version of Zero's Black Hole, a snowflake like projectile, and causing huge icicles to shoot out of the ground to name a few. A good character in all.
39. "Darkness Iori by Tin Tin" This Iori has been edited to be a jet black silhouette. For the most part he is similar to Iori Clone-9, but features some awesome effects, besides that he is pretty much the same. Still great for any roster however.
40. "Iori Clone-11 by SBA" Also known as Final Clone Iori. He retains the usual fire based attacks, specials, and hypers as the original. New features include flame pillars, energy spheres, and several full-screen hypers. Makes for a good boss fight.
51. "Bio-Element by sba" This Element has been made into a vampire of sorts. He retains some of Iori's moves, and also has a version of Zero's Black hole special, lightning strikes, and a multi-punch flurry to name a few. A good character in all.
52. "Dark Element by DE" This Element retains most of Iori's moves, but not Elements. New features include, a laser that can be fired horizontally or vertically, and Clone Zero's Black Hole. Unlike the other Elements, this one is more like a regular character then a boss, as his move list is rather small compared to the others. A good character none the less.
53. "Element-RN by Raziel-Neos" This version of Element appears to have been edited to look like Another Iori, but retaining all of Elements moveset. A few new features include a hadouken like fireball, and lightning strikes. Basically, Another Iori with Elemant's powers. A good character overall.
54. "Element-XII by Yasakani Severin" This edit is very similar to Youhei's version, the only new feature I could find is Mukai's Netherworld Agony as a new hyper. Unfortunately this one also has glitched palettes, but not so much the one mentioned above. I don't know how to rate this one, so just give him a go.
55. "Element Iori by Zelgadis" This Iori has been edited play exactly like Element. He has Element's whrilwind, ice, and laser attacks. In addition, he also retains some of Iori's moves as well. I highly recommend this one.
56. "C-Element 02 by Heil Alberich, Heil73, & RealheilNs" This appears to be an edit of Bio-Element, he retains the lasers, and vampire-like features, and now has Psqhical and Goenitz as strikers. A good character in all.
57. "Wind-Coat Element by Opirus" This version of Element retains all the usual moves from the original, but as you can see he has been given a different outfit. However he has a few mismatched sprites in his animations, one second he looks normal, another second he likes like regular Iori, but this can be overlooked.
58. "Ultimate Element by Zack" This Element is very similar to MichaelArmaros's version, retaining the lightning, fire, and ice based attacks. His AI is quite brutal, too the point where he surpasses that of a cheap boss type character. Download if you like cheap characters.
59. "Omega Element by Opirus" A cheap edit of Element. He retains all his usually moves but he has also been given some full-screen hyper versions of them as well. His A.I. is also quite brutal as well. Download if you like cheap characters.
60. "Element XIII by Unknown Creator" This Element has been given sprites from The King of Fighters XIII. However he only has Iori's standard moveset and none of Element's moves, and as you can see he is basically a palette swap of Iori's appearance from said game. He still plays well though.
61. "Master Element by ‚Ý‚©‚¦‚é" This appears to be an edit of MichaelArmaros's version of Element. Unfortunately I can't seem to find anything that has been added here. If anyone does please let me know.
62. "Orochi Element by ClaytonD & Beppu" This Element retains the usual moveset as the original, and also has Gustab Munchausen, and Psyqhical as strikers. He ironically doesn't have any Orochi based attacks despite his name. Still a good character though.
63. "Shin Element by SamSouji" This Element at first appears similar to the original, but he unfortunately only retains the fire and wind based attacks and not the ice powers. His only unique additional move that I could find was a flaming tornado. A decent character overall.
64. "Brilliant by ½ðÉ«»Ô»Íؼ" This edit appears to be a fusion of Element and Iori himself. He retains a bit of both Ior's and Elements specials, and hypers, nothing new seems to have been added. His AI is very brutal, so he fits the roll of a boss really well. I definitely recommend this one.
65. "D-Yagami by Jin" This Iori appears to be completely unchanged from the original, as I can't find anything new. If anyone does please let me know.
66. "E-Cromancer by Jjong1917" One of the strangest Iori edits I've ever seen. For the most part he is very similar to the original. New features include a Hadouken like projectile that can shot from the air, lightning strikes, and energy like spikes that shoot out of the ground. A good character in all.
67. "Flames Iori by Zelgadis & Kill" This Iori is almost unchanged from the original. He retains all his usual moves and has a couple of full-screen hypers, mostly consisting of flaming explosions. Some of his flames are differently colored too. A decent character in all.
68. "Iori XM by Vinny82694 & Samsouji" A supposed edit of MugenGoku's Iori XM, however I honestly don't what has been done here. He retains the entire movest of said character, specials, hypers, and strikers. If anyone finds something new let me know.
69. "Iori Yagami by Clayton" An edit of Zelgadis's Another Iori. He retains the movest of the original version, but also been given strikers. These include Chizuru Kagura, Kyo Kusanagi, Geese Howard, and Orochi. His AI is just as brutal as ever, so he fits the roll of a boss very well.
70. "F-Iori by ·ç»¨" This Iori a dual sword wielder. He retains the usual moves as the original, but the animations are done with the swords, and he also has a variety slashing attacks. His animations are pretty cool and the sprites are awesome on a whole. I highly recommend this one.
71. "Iori K' by Tin Tin" Despite the name this Iori doesn't have any moves based on K'. He mostly retains the usual moveset as the original Iori, new features include a few full-screen hypers. Has Kyo Kusanagi, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, and Orochi Leona as strikers.
72. "Iori-Mix by Kuroihato" For the most part this Iori is unchanged from the original, the only new features I could find was a few slashing based attacks, and some full-screen hypers. A decent character in all.
73. "Orochi Iori by Zelgadis" This Orochi Iori originates from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial. He retains all his basic moves, specials, and hypers.
74. "Orochi Iori by Calcio911" An edit of Zelgadis's Orochi Iori. He retains all the moves from that version, and also has one special where he turns into some black shadow-like creature, or at least that's what FF3 revealed, as I've never seen it used in game. A decent character in all.
75. "Iori Power by ÓîÖæÒâʶ" This appears to be an edit of Iori Clone-9. He retains the moveset of said edit, but has a ton of full-screen hypers, he also has Chizuru Kagura, Ash Crimson, and Orochi as strikers. Download if you like cheap edits.
76. "Iori Yagami by ScarletMoon" This Iori retains all his usual moves, and as you can see he has his attire from The King of Fighters XIII. He has been given a few full-screen hypers, including one that covers the screen with what looks like a crescent moon. A good character in all.
77. "Iori Yagami by Sander71113" For the most part, this Iori unchanged from the original. However his AI is extremely brutal, thus he fills, and quite possibly surpasses the role as a boss. Has Vice and Mature as strikers.
78. "Xtrom Iori by Zelgadis" This appears to be the original version of Iori-XM. He retains all the moves from the original Iori. Has Kyo Kusanagi, Chizuru Kagura, Another Iori, and Alba Meira as strikers. He does have a slight glitch where his palettes change while he is idle.
79. "Iori XII by EX1" This Iori sports his attire, as well as his moves from The King of Fighters XII. He has some of the moves from the original Iori as well. A decent character in all.
80. "Iori Richtofen by 2010LifeGame" This Iori is based off Edward Richtofen of the Call of Duty series, he uses Capcom styled sprites, For the most part he retains the moveset, specials, and hypers, as the original Iori, however he has a few additional features, these include a large flame sphere, and a hyper where he sends a green transparent ball bouncing across the stage. He also has Edward's voice from the game, which kinda gives him a rather humorous audio. A good character fit for any roster.
81. "Mech Iori by Hirohiro" This Iori at first glance appears to have been edited to be a robot of some kind. Unfortunately he has just been given a new palette while retaining his usual moveset. Still plays well, but a little bit of a let down when it comes to new features.
82. "Iori Yagami XII by The Search Man" Another Iori edit made to have sprites from The King of Fighters XII, he has the same moveset as most of the usual KoFXII styled edits, but he has much better sprites and very few of them are glitched. A good character in all.
83. "Shin Iori by Yong Ming" I'm not sure why this edit is called a Shin edit. He seems to have only been given a different palette, and he also retains his usual moveset, specials, and hypers. His AI is moderate. Decent overall.
84. "Orochi Iori by Zelgadis & Sai" I'm not sure what, if anything new was added to this version of Orochi Iori. He has gameplay from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial. The A.I. is brutal, so he is great for a boss battle.
85. "Orochi Iori XII by MyMugen" This version of Orochi Iori has been given sprites based on his appearance in KoFXII, other then that he is pretty much the same as the original Orochi Iori, specials, and hypers in all.
86. "The Heaven Iori by Zelgadis" A cheap edit of Iori. He retains the usual moveset, but also has a variety a full-screen hypers. He can also throw flames across the ground that if they connect they will shoot up in the form of a flame pillar, wind projectiles, and huge dark waves. Has Magaki, Akuma, Orochi, and Original Zero as strikers.
87. "Legend Gold Metal Iori by Zelgadis" Another cheap edit, despite his name he doesn't have a gold palette, instead he has a golden aura. He retains the usual moveset as the original, as well as regenerating health, flooding the screen with flame pillars, and a massive golden laser beam. Has Orochi (with a gold palette) as a striker. Download if you like cheap edits.
88. "M by Jin" I'm not sure what this Iori is based off. He doesn't seem to have any additional moves, and yet he retains the usual moves as Iori. If anyone finds something new let me know.
89. "M3 by Jin" This M is the same as the original, but has been given a darker palette that switches between the original M's palette. Other then that he is literally the same, moves in all.
90. "Orochi M by KYK & Jjong1917" An Orochi version of M. Just as M is very similar to Iori, M's Orochi form is similar to Orochi Iori. He has the same moves as Orochi Iori, supers, and hypers in all. Still decent in terms of gameplay though.
91. "Clone S.S. by C" This appears to be an edit of Brilliant. He retains all the moves from Brilliant, but has been given a few more moves. These include an X shaped flame projectile that can be red or purple, and a bloody whirlwind to name a few. A good character in all.
92. "Iori Yasakani by Zelgadis" This Iori is almost completely unchanged from Zelgadis's Another Iori. The only new move I could find was a special involving a column of what looks like blood. Besides that he's pretty much the same.
93. "Iori Mayres by RBGarcia & MyMugen" A rather unique edit, he retains the basic moveset, but he has his own set of moves. These include flame pillars, and invisibility. Unfortunately he's a beta, so his specials and hypers are limited. He's more then playable, so give him try if you like.
94. "Orochi Iori by Zelgadis & KILL" This appears to be an Orochi version of Flames Iori. He retains all the moves of the original Orochi Iori, and now has several full-screen hypers. His A.I. is quite hard, as in a cheap boss character. A good character in all.
95. "Orochi Iori_MA by Ý‚©‚¦‚é" This Orochi Iori appears to be completely unchanged from the original. Besides the brutal A.I. I can't find anything new. If anyone does please let me know.
96. "Yagami Iori by Angelvarela" This version of Another Iori retains most of the usual moves as the original, but also has some full-screen hypers. Basically your typical custom edit. A good character overall.
97. "F-Iori by C" This version of F-Iori is similar to C's other version. He now has gameplay from The King of Fighters Unlimited Match. He retains all the moves from the other version.
98. "Zorf by NiO" I'm not sure what this Iori is based off. He levitates during his walking animations, and that's pretty much it. He has no specials or hypers, as he is still a beta, and a particularly unplayable one at that, skip this one.
99. "Ioro by Error Macro" This Iori is from the bootlegged SNES game The King of Fighters 2000, and as of such it has been given deliberately laggy controls and movement. It's moveset is limited to basic attacks, one projectile and a Dash Punch. The A.I. is quite cheap as it will immediately spam the Dash Punch, which renders it invincible during those frames, making this character extremely difficult to defeat by normal means.
100. "Ioro by The Raven Effect" This version of Ioro has been made as if he was an actual KoF character and not from a bootlegged game. Since he is basically a bootleg version of Iori himself, this one has all of the usual moves from the original Iori, specials and hypers in all. A great character for any roster.
101. "Another Iori-KOFM by Searchman, Glasses, & Iori 456" This version of Another Iori is similar to Zelgadis's version. The only new features are (you guessed it) a few full-screen hypers. Other then that he's pretty much the same.
102. "Evil Maelstorm Iori X by Jor8a" This Iori is based off the cheap Goentiz edit, Maelstorm Goenitz, and as such he has all the specials and hypers of said edit. These include lightning strikes, whirlwinds, as well as two full-screen hypers, one where he floods the screen with lasers, and another involving storm dragons that is a one-hit KO. Download if you like cheap edits.
103. "Iorizuchi by [frank666]" This Iori is based off Mizuchi. He retains his basic moveset, but as his name implies he has Mizuchi's specials, these include Harae, and teleporting. Has Mizuchi as a striker. He feels like beta, as he has badly glitched sprites in many of his animations. I'd pass on this one.
104. "Element the Angel of Death by СÏè" Despite his name, this edit of Element doesn't appear to have anything new, other then Goentiz as a striker. His specials consist of lasers, lightning strikes, and ice shards to name a few. Note: the image pictured is an alternate palette, he does look like Element in his primary palette.
105. "Xiang Yagami by Unknown Creator" The only female edit of Iori made so far. Unfortunately she is very bare bones for a character. She has only one attack, a single punch. She lacks a block, jump, hit, and lie down animation, as well as an intro and victory pose. Unless you just want to get all the Iori's I'd pass on this one.
106. "Iori May Cry by zrc7xxx" Also known as Super Iori, this is an odd one for sure. He flickers in and out of existence during gameplay. He mostly fights with slash based attacks, and his specials consist of fire columns, a beat-down on the opponent, and a full-screen hyper involving a huge yellow eye. Has Chizuru Kagura, and Kyo Kusanagi as strikers. A good character in all.
107. "God Gold Phoenix by 5271314" A somewhat cheap edit of Iori. He retains his usual moveset, specials, and hypers. He has a few full-screen hypers, and his damage output is slightly higher then the norm, but not so much that he can't be defeated by normal characters. Well suited for a boss fight.
108. "Iori 911 by Zelgadis" A cheap edit of Iori. He retains his normal set of moves, but has been given several others. These include the use of dragons, flame pillars, several projectiles, and a ton of full-screen hypers. Has Original Zero, Orochi, and Akuma as strikers. Download if you like cheap edits.
109. "Iori-1 911 by Jin" This Iori also retains his usual set of moves, but he also has Mukai's Netherworld Agony, an attack involving a blue sphere, and Kyo Kusanagi as a striker. Well suited for any roster.
110. "God Fire Yagami by Raziel-Neos" Perhaps the cheapest Iori edit ever made, he retains the basic moveset, specials, and hypers as the original, as well as some of Element's specials. He also has Igniz, Goenitz, Iori Yagami, and Another Iori as strikers, and as if that's not enough he has several full-screen hypers as well as rapidly regenerating health, so fast that it almost looks like he takes no damage at all. He can only be KO'd by characters like Finale Sula, A-Bomb, Crazy-Catastrophe, or similar edits. Download if you like cheap edits.
111. "NMOri Yagami by Adamlexus(The_None)" This Iori has been made into a joke character. He has a rage meter that builds every time he takes damage except from being thrown. When the meter is filled an automatic, unblockable full-screen SDM will occur. His AI is also cheap, able to chain insanely long combos, his speed is also slightly sped up. However, he is very unstable in Mugen 1.0. If he is attacked while in the air he will crash Mugen. I'm not sure how to rate this one, so give him try if you like.
112. "Tomato by Panda1" This edit is based of the YouTuber of the same name. From what I've seen it's just Iori with a different palette with voice clips from Tomato's various Youtube video's. Beside's that, that's about it.
Iori Clone 9 EX
Author:Yagami+ihoo1836 edited by KEMANUELOXX
Pretty OP edit of Iori,
Author: Jin edited by sr,
File Size:26.23 MB