1. "God Orochi by Ahuron" This Orochi is basically a stronger version of the original, being able to fire several Harae in succession, more powerful Lightning Pillars, and able to inflict heavier damage with his Soul Crush hyper, and his basic moves as well. This edit was most likely created to show what Orochi would look like if it was using 100% of it's power. It is probably due to this edit that their are so many other Orochi edits. Comes with two def files, one for a normal version, and another that serves as a boss. This edit a bit balanced compared to the others, as it is possible, but difficult to defeat with normal characters. A great fit for the roster.
2. "God Orochi Plus by ryushirohou" An extremely cheap edit of God Orochi. Just before the battle starts it unleashes a full-screen attack that's a one-hit KO. As of such, it can only be defeated by similar edits like Crazy-Catastrophe. It's A.I. only and cannot be controlled.
3. "Alma Orochi by Alma" An edit of God Orochi. It retains the same moves, but also has a hurting aura that can damage the opponent just by standing too close. The aura isn't active while crouching, jumping, or moving. It only has 200 health, but it compensates for this by also having rapidly regenerating health.
4. "Dark Orochi by Ahuron" Very similar to Alma Orochi, complete with hurting aura. It's Harae also leaves behind explosions that usually results in an instant KO. It's other specials are also capable of taking out the opponent in a single blow.
5. "Clearness Orochi by unknown author" An extremely cheap edit, all of it's attacks are one-hit KO, even if blocked. It mostly has the usual moves as the original.
6. "Crime of Seven Orochi by China Mobile" This edit also has a hurting aura, and can also fire a laser from its chest. Activating a hyper will also cause it to activate three in a row.
7. "Dark Blood Orochi by unknown author" A more balanced edit. It can fire energy spheres, has a larger Lightning PIllar. Retains the usual moveset. Can be defeat by normal characters. Good for a boss battle.
8. "Destroy God Orochi by unknown author" Another balanced edit. It has the usual moveset, and fires energy spheres, but deals slightly more damage then normal. It can only perform one-hit KO's when it's low one health. Makes for a good boss.
9. "Demon God Orochi by unknown author" This edit retains the usual set of moves, only possessing one attack that's an instant KO. However it has infinite health and power, so it can only be KO'd by cheaper edits.
10. "Death Black Orochi by unknown author" An edit of Apocalyptic Orochi (see below). It has infinite health, and power. It can chain it's specials very fast, allowing it to take foes out at almost the beginning of the match. It can only be KO'd by cheaper edits.
11. "Apocalyptic Orochi by Gaelik" A very cheap edit, it mostly teleports around the stage, chaining its hypers as it does so. It can only be defeated by cheaper edits.
12. "Eruption Orochi by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi, I can't seem to find any differences between the two other then the palettes. It's not too terrible cheap and can be defeated mostly with combo heavy characters.
13. "Evil Orochi by unknown author" Very cheap edit, it retains the usual moves, and can also dash back in forth the stage while heavily damaging the opponent in the process, and the AI will abuse this to no end. It can also fire a laser from its chest.
14. "Fake Golden Orochi by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi, it was allegedly made as a sort of joke character, but the cheapness is still very present, but it seems to depend which palette is selected. It mostly has the same attacks as God Orochi. It can be defeated with normal characters, but not while in its 12th palette.
15. "Fenix Orochi by golden god snake" Extremely cheap, this Orochi is mostly a fire user. It retains the usual moves, but it's damage output is very high, as such, it can defeat foes within seconds with just a few punches or kicks.
16. "Gold Orochi by Paprika" For the most, part this edit retains the usual moves. However it has infinite health, and cannot be defeated by normal characters. The AI is pretty much broken, as shortly after the round begins, it will attack for about five to ten seconds, then just remain idle until you exit the match.
17. "Heaven Dream Orochi by Dream" This edit retains the usual moves, and not as cheap as most edits. It causes purple sparkling stars to appear in the background, however this does not affect the battle whatsoever. It is best suited for a boss character.
18. "Hyper Orochi by Jjong1917" This edit is almost unchanged from the original, the only new feature I found, was a hyper where it floods the stage with Lightning Pillar. The AI is quite tricky, so it fills the role of a boss really well.
19. "Ice God Orochi by tmtmdrn & shinde" An edit of God Orochi. All of it's attacks are one-hit KO. Despite the name, it doesn't have any ice based attacks, but has the usual moveset.
20. "Giant Orochi by Kamase" A joke edit of Orochi. It's main form of attack is ramming its fists into the opponent, and causing wigs to rain down. Throughout the battle it's hair constantly floats up and down. It's AI only, and cannot be controlled.
21. "Metal Orochi by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" Despite its name, this edit doesn't appear to have anything metallic about it. It mainly has the same attacks as the original, but has way more health the normal.
22. "Rare God Orochi by Actarus" An edit of God Orochi. New features include sending images of itself as a projectile, and rapidly teleporting through the floor and ceiling similar to Rare Akuma, however this attack is incapable of causing damage.Its health also regenerates. The AI is also rather poor. I'd pass on this one.
23. "Sacredness Orochi by G-X" This edit is almost unchanged from God Orochi. It retains the same moves, and now has a new palette. It isn't as cheap as most edits, and can be defeat with normal characters. Makes a good boss.
24. "Shadow Orochi by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moves, and can also flood the screen with Harae's. It also has a hurting aura, but not as dangerous as Alma Orochi's, it also has regenerating health.
25. "Shin Orochi by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moves, but can perform them at ridiculous speeds. It also has regenerating health. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
26. "Singer Orochi by Rick" A rather unique edit. It's only form of attack is singing, which launches music note projectiles, and can also stun its opponents with sound waves. It doesn't have any of the usual moveset. The only flaw that it has is that it can't move left or right.
27. "Sun Chaos Orochi by UtsuhoFanboy24000" A strange edit, it has a creepy female laugh, and has a full-screen attack where it pulls the sun out of the sky. It has the usual moves as well. It also has a bug where pressing the taunt button will cause the AI to take over.
28. "Super Normer Orochi by unknown author" A cheap edit of God Orochi. It has a unique hurting aura where it drains health if the opponent gets too close. Also every time the opponent tries to attack it, the aura reflects the damage back at them and it takes no damage in the process.
29. "Supreme Orochi by YoungsuDoung" This edit is similar to the original. It retains the usual moveset. The only new move I found was where it sends a Harae at an upward angle. Good for any roster.
30. "C-Orochi by Electbyte" This Orochi is based off Krizalid's second form. However, it doesn't have any specials or hypers from said character, or even Orochi's moves for that matter. It's only form of attack is punches and kicks. A pass for me, but feel free to try it if you want.
31. "Syado Orochi by TEO" A very cheap edit, it has been made into a black silhouette, but is semi-transparent due to its aura. It's main form of attack is lasers, and energy spheres. It has rapidly regenerating health. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
32. "Thunderclap Orochi by unknown author" This edit retains the same attacks as God Orochi. The only thing new I could find is that it has rapidly regenerating health.
33. "Trumpet Orochi by ‰ü•Ï "Fe" Despite the name, this edit does not use a trumpet in combat. Its specials include creating portals that shoot fireballs, lasers, launching Harae's like a saw blade, and transforming into a portal that sucks in the opponent then fires a volley of lasers all over the screen.
34. "Ultimate Orochi by unknown author" A much more simple edit. It retains the usual moves as God Orochi, but with a different palette. Other then that, that's about it. Makes a good boss.
35. "Worthy Trade Orochi by heil10mugen" A cheap edit of God Orochi. It retains the usual moves, but has no hit boxes. Thus, it cannot be defeated by normal characters.
36. "Ultimate Evil Orochi by unknown author" A very cheap edit. It retains the usual attacks, and also can flood the stage with Harae's, fire a laser from it's chest, and perform a volley of combos that ends with it's Soul Crush special. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
37. "X Orochi by 4093" The only female Orochi to date, this edit is very projectile heavy. These consist of laser, Harae, energy spheres, and even chains. She appears to be a late beta, as she turns into the original Orochi during her lie down animation.
38. "Legend Gold Metal Orochi by 1467613895" A very cheap edit, it retains the usual moves as the original, and can use it's specials in rapid succession. It has no hit boxes, and thus, cannot be defeated by normal characters.
39. "Space Time Orochi by ÌúÍ" Another cheap edit. It mostly abuses it's Lightning Pillar, unlike the normal version of the move, this one hits in multiple areas. It also has a hurting aura. A rare glitch will sometimes occur, where the opponent will split into two characters after being hit by it.
40. "Luxuriant Orochi by Dream" This edit causes blue sparks to appear in the background, they have no effect on the battle. It's main form of attack is firing energy spheres, and spamming a force field that juggle the opponent.
41. "Abandon Day Emperor by 00" A projectile heavy edit. It's main attack is firing a flurry of Harae, as well as snowflake like projectile as well. It has the usual moves, but seldom uses them.
42. "Agalairept by unknown author" Very cheap edit, it mostly dashes back and forth across the stage while ramming the opponent. It's specials and hypers are similar to the original but with higher damage output.
43. "Apollo by 119way" Appearance wise this is a fusion of Orochi and Mukai. It's moveset is mostly unique featuring, a shower of meteors, summoning a block hole that erupts, and energy spheres to off some. It's more of a boss instead of your typical cheap edit, as it is very possible to defeat it with normal characters.
44. "Baldiel by PJM" This edit retains the usual moves, but is capable of performing them at much faster rate.It doesn't seem to have any unique features, other then for some reason he faces backwards during battle, hence the strange gif.
45. "Baptism by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moves as the original. However, instead of Harae, it has electric spheres, and a unique full-screen KO that replaces Marukare. It has regenerating health, but it's not too terribly cheap, and can be defeated by normal characters.
46. "Blood of Tartaros by G-X" This edit is retains the same moves as God Orochi, but it's effects have been edited to look like blood. It's not as cheap as most edits. so it's well suited for a boss battle.
47. "Cresterniveor by haseeb1g" An extremely cheap edit, all of it's attacks are one-hit KO, thus it cannot be defeated by normal characters.
48. "Angel Wings V1 by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" Another very cheap edit, once again, all of it's attacks KO instantly. Despite the sword, it never uses it in combat.
49. "Angel Wings V2 by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" The second version of Angel Wings. Although not all of it's attacks KO instantly, it is still quite cheap and cannot be defeated by normal characters. The sword is never used in battle.
50. "!CD by ‚Ü‚¶‚Á‚" A joke edit. It consist's of two Orochi's, Kung Fu Man, and a Touhou Project character manning a steamroller. It's attacks consist of ramming, launching Orochi heads, and making them rise from the ground as well. It has infinite health and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
51. "Abaddon by TadanoTabibito" This edit retains the usual moves, bur has a few extra features. These include a trail of black flames, teleporting, and flooding the stage with black energy and Harae. It isn't to cheap, and fits the role of a boss pretty well.
52. "Ancient Gear by Á÷Ã¥ÍÃ" This edit is beyond cheap. It can fire stream of flames, has a hurting aura, and an animated CGI full-screen KO. It has infinite health and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
53. "Ancient Gear YYL by Paprika" The second version of Ancient Gear, and it's just as cheap as well. It mostly teleports around the stage before unleashing an explosion of flames, it also has full-screen one-hit KO where it creates a pentagram and fills the screen with blue flames.
54. "Ancient Gear yyl90 by Paprika" The third version of Ancient Gear. It is mostly a fusion of the previous two, as it has both the same moveset as them. It can also fire a volley of pentagrams. It has one unique feature in its coding that causes the opponent to lose health throughout the fight, even when it isn't attacking. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
55. "Blue the Dream by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" This edit retains some of the usual moves, but has a few unique features. It can stretch its limbs, fire lasers, and create lightning to name off some. It also has a strange hyper where it and Mukai stomp the Earth onto the opponent until they are KO'd. It has infinite health and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
56. "Colorsou by ɵ¹Ï" This edit retains the usual moves, and it can also fire energy spheres, and teleport around the stage. The opponents health will drain overtime during battle. It cannot be defeated by normal characters. Although most of the edits in this collection can cause seizures if your epileptic, this one deserves a special mention. A white light will flash on screen each time it performs a hyper, and my eyes actually started to get watery after playing as this character for a bit, which was just five matches. You have been warned.
57. "Brahmaa by Katamayu" This edit retains the usual moveset. The AI loves to spam Harae. One unique feature is that it loses health overtime, but if its knocked down it regenerates. I'm not sure what to think of this one, so just give it a go.
58. "Card Sue Mr M by paoni0067" This edit retains the usual moveset. It can also fire lasers, and it drains health from the opponent overtime throughout the battle. The opponent will also be KO'd automatically at random. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
59. "Orochi G3 by GGG" An extremely cheap edit. Shortly after the round begins it will usually perform a full-screen OHKO that makes the opponent disappear or KO's them like normal. It retains the usual specials and hypers as the original, but they are all one-hit KO. It can only be defeated by characters like Crazy-Catastrophe, or cheaper.
60. "Plasma by Orochi Herman" This edit doesn't seem to have any of the usual moveset. It mostly uses lightning, and cause a storm in the background of the stage. It can be controlled by the player, but the AI may randomly take over. It can be defeated by normal characters, but it's extremely difficult.
61. "U.S.A. by PJM" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's health, and damage output has been raised drastically. It can also fire lasers. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
62. "Let Me Cry Emozuchi by Orochi Incarnation" An edit of God Orochi. It's power generates automatically. New features include a scatter shot of lasers, and a hyper consisting of one huge laser that's a one-hit KO. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
63. "Joutenchi by SamSouji" An edit of God Orochi. It retains some of the usual moves, but it's Lightning Pillar has been replaced with huge lasers, it also has regenerating health. It's not too cheap compared to most edits, and it's possible to defeat it with normal characters, usually combo heavy ones.
64. "Mintechi by DanteAkashiya" One of the more unique edits, it's main form of attack is slow moving Harae, of which it usually fires two at a time, it can also peform some pretty damaging kicks, levitate the opponent into the air and slash them with what looks like rays of light. It also has a hyper where it creates two portals that shoot lasers. Well suited for a boss battle.
65. "Nyorochi by nyorochi" Extremely cheap edit, although it has the usual moves as the original, they are all one-hit KO, even a simple punch or kick. It has no hit boxes, and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
66. "Orzchi by Jun" Although this may be a joke edit, it is still a cheap boss type character, and shouldn't be taken lightly. It retains the usual attacks as the original, but it's projectiles have been made to look like its head or images of itself. Other then that, that's about it.
67. "The Dark Moon of Orochi by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi. He is mostly the same, but with a different palette and aura, as well as an echoing voice. Good for a boss fight.
68. "Zerozuchi by DanteAkashiya & MericaZ" This edit is based off Zero. It has Zero's Black Hole Hyper, and his specials. It also has a multi-punch flurry, and an explosive electric sphere. Has Original Zero, Igniz, and Orochi as strikers. It;s damage output is also very high, so it qualify's as a cheap edit.
69. "End of Air by unknown author" Another simple edit of God Orochi with a new palette, aura, and effects. It retains the same moves as the original, Great for a boss.
70. "Gabriel by New God Shiki" This edit is mainly just an edit of God Orochi with a different stance, and effects. It has no hit boxes and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
71. "Orochi-Soul by Mojack" One of the more unique edits. It retains the usual moves as the original, but it can also shapshift into Yamazaki, Chris, and Mature, as a special move. It will even perform their victory pose if it wins while still in said state. It's 1.1 only. I highly recommend this one.
72. "Sariel by oreichalkos" A very cheap edit. It performs special after special at an alarming rate. Specials include lasers, energy spheres, and firing multiple Harae in several directions at once. It's health is quite high and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
73. "Uriel by unknown author" This editt retains the usual moveset, but it's movement speed has been increased greatly. It has energy spheres have been edited to resemble symbols, the projectiles cover roughly the whole screen. It doesn't flinch when hit, so it is immune to grapples, and most hypers. It can cause some weird glitches to happen when fighting, mostly causing the opponent to get stuck in the ground or at the edge of the stage. It is possible to defeat with normal characters, but very difficult.
74. "Evil Soul by Kain the supreme" Appearance wise, this is a fusion of Orochi and Zero, but it's moveset is unique. It can summon various minions, such as a succubus that restores his health, a gorgon that attacks with it's snakes, and it also has a projectile that resembles Guile's Sonic Boom. It has infinite power. Great for a boss battle.
75. "Evil Soul Green by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" A cheap edit of Evil Soul. It mostly has the same moves as the one mentioned above, but now has a full-screen OHKO. It has infinite health and power, and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
76. "The Will of Golden Metal by ë‚‚Å‚È" An edit of Ancient Gear, it's an extremely cheap edit, all of it's attacks are one-hit KO. This edit normally only works in WinMugen, but I've done what I can to get it to work in 1.0 and 1.1. It works pretty well, but will sometimes crash Mugen.
77. "Heaven or Hell by Genesis" Another simple edit of God Orochi with a different aura and palette. It does have one new hyper where it floods the stage with lasers. It's possible tto defeat with normal characters. but difficult.
78. "Orochi Head by BK" A joke edit. As it's name implies, it's just a head that moves about, attacking with arms and legs that pop out. It's specials and hypers consist of launching other heads at the opponent.
79. "Orochi Ball by otto" A joke edit. It attacks consist of bouncing around the stage, breathing fire. growing into a giant and ramming the foe, and launching Brian Battler as missiles. Hilarious, but great for a boss.
80. "ArienWWW by ƒGƒj[ƒW" Similar to Orochi Ball, but it floats instead of rolls. It's attacks consist of firing lasers from its mouth, dropping bombs of itself, launching Orochi as missiles, and a full-screen hyper where it's face appears in the background. It's health is very high, and can only be defeated by cheaper characters.
81. "Evilion by BONG" An edit of Alsiel (see below), however unlike Alsiel who's cheapness depends on its palette, this edit has been make ti be extremely cheap. All of it's attacks KO instantly, and as a result, it cannot be defeated by normal characters.
82. "Exerion by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi, this edit is quite cheap. It mainly abuses its full-screen hypers, and spams projectiles. As of such, it cannot be defeated by normal characters. May suddenly crash Mugen.
83. "God Alosson by God Alosson" A self insert characters. This is an edit of Fake Golden Orochi, as of such it mainly has the same moves as said edit. It's cheapness depends on which palette is selected. Great for any roster.
84. "Mysterious Green by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" An edit of Ancient Gear, this edit is extremely cheap. While it's main form of attack are leaf like projectiles, it mostly performs, full-screen OHKO's, or cutscene-like OHKO's where it creates clones of Shermie, Rugal, Goenitz, and Mukai. It has no hit boxes and cannot be defeated by normal characters. It normally only worked in WinMugen, but I I've tried my best to get to work in 1.0 and 1.1. While it does run like normal at times, it may fail to load occasionally.
85. "The End of God Heaven by Blood72" Another simple edit of God Orochi, along with a new aura, palette, and effects. Can be defeated with normal characters.
86. "The Eternal Dark Sun by Pandabeer44" Also known as The Ultimate King of Evil, at first, this looks like your typical edit of God Orochi, complete with a new palette, aura, and effects. However, it has a new full-screen hyper where it sends waves of blackness that is a one-hit KO. It usually performs this attack within five seconds of the match beginning. It can only be KO'd by cheaper edits.
87. "Grudge by unknown author" I'm not sure what to think of this one, only that it's an edit of Exerion. The image you see here is it's select portrait, as the sprites are completely invisible. When the round starts the stage goes completely black, and the screen gets flooded with hit sparks until the game crashes. I don't know how to rate this one, so be your own judge.
88. "Firmament by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moves, and can also fire lasers, launch explosive spheres, and can also flood the screen with slashing lights. Also has a full-screen, but unlike most edits, it's damage is partly reduced if blocked. Makes for challenging boss.
89. "The Will of Sea Light by Unsigned" An edit of God Orochi. Just another simple edit that gives it a new palette and aura. The lightning pillars have been changed into lasers as well. Nevertheless, great for boss fight.
90. "Flauros by BK" This edit retains the usual moveset as the original. It's projectile has been changed into a symbol of some kind. It can fire large volleys of these projectiles, create portals that shoot laser, and trap it's opponent with them as well. It's hypers consist of flooding the screen with bloody flames, sending a trail of lightning across the stage, or making the screen shift between black and blood red while bloody spheres swirl around the stage while damaging the opponent in the process. Despite all this, it's not too terribly cheap, and fills the roll of a boss quite well.
91. "Hades by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moves, all that has been done is a new palette and aura, as well as new effects for it's attacks. Just as good as any for a boss battle.
92. "Mercurius by unknown author" A cheap edit of God Orochi. While it does retain the usual moveset, it has infinite power. In addition, it's health will regenerate just before it gets KO'd. so whether it can be defeated with normal characters or not, I cannot say.
93. "Nbrors by 608" Extremely cheap edit. Although it has the usual moveset like most others, it will usually perform a full-screen OHKO. It has infinite power and cannot be defeated with normal characters.
94. "The Evil Spirit Bonds by unknown author" An edit of Apocalyptic Orochi with a new palette. It mainly has the same attacks as the original. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
95. "Theme-OF-S by ²Ð»¨ÎªË±¯Ø¼(Ò÷·çؼ±¯)" Although this edit retains the usual moveset, as well as a laser that can be fired from it's chest, it will almost immediately perform a full-screen OHKO, so it is quite cheap. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
96. Zechael-Type-S by 608" A joke edit of sorts. It retains some of the usual moveset. New features include using what appears to be quakes, disappearing and falling onto the opponent, and huge energy spheres to name a few. When it's defeated, smaller versions of itself carry it off screen.
97. "Forte by unknown author" This edit retains the moveset as the original, but it's damage output is quite high, and it also has infinite power. Besides that, that's about it. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
98. "Mirage by BK" This edit retains the usual moves, but with some differences. It's Lightning Pillar has been replaced with lasers, they launch the opponent if hit, and the AI will abuse this by juggling them to no end and it's Harae projectiles act like saw blades. It's damage output is very high, and as of such, it cannot be defeated by normal characters.
99. "Freezing by TerNer" This edit has the same attacks as God Orochi, but with a new palette and aura. The AI is quite weak however.
100. "Greed by unknown author" Extremely cheap edit. It will usually perform a full-screen hyper that KO's the opponent within seconds. It has infinite power. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
101. "Lich Lord by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette and aura. It retains the usual moveset. Great for a boss.
102. "Green Pink by 608" A cheap edit. It retains the usual moveset, but it's aura will reflect all forms of attack, back at the opponent, while it suffers no damage. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
103. "Huitzitisu by Utsuhofanboy24000" A joke edit. As soon as the round begins it fires a single laser that KO's the opponent instantly, what makes this one particularly unusual is that the laser is actually part of its aura, which also consists of many Chris's. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
104. "JaHVeH by Jun" Although this edit retains the usual moves as the original, it is quite cheap. Almost as soon as the round starts, it will spam one full-screen hyper after another. They all KO instantly, so it can't be defeated with normal characters.
105. "JaHVeH 2nd by Jun" This edit is just as cheap as the original version. It has been given a different palette, and all of it's attacks, including it's basic moves are one-hit KO's
106. "Jigsaw by Éñ¤ÎجÃÎ" A edit of God Orochi that gives him a different stance, palette, and he now leaves behind trails of sparks when performs a non-special or non-hyper attack. He's not as cheap as most edits and fills the role as a boss quite well.
107. "The Will of Rainbow by Ahuron" An edit of God Orochi. Although this edit retains the usual moves, all of it's attacks are one-hit KO. It's palette cycles through the colors of the rainbow, hence it's name.
108. "Shadow by ,,," A rather strange edit. It retains none of the specials or hypers, and only uses melee. It has infinite health, but it's health bar will be empty when the round begins, and it has no power. It does however have some special attacks, mostly involving charging into the opponent, which is a one-hit KO. It cannot be defeated by normal characters.
109. "Magic God Mioriuz by Ahuron" A joke edit of Joutenchi. It KO's itself automatically at the start of the round. It is only playable in Training Mode. However, it is incapable of causing any damage whatsoever. Unless you like joke edits, or just want all the Orochi's, I'd skip this one.
110. "The Z by sunishell" A rather weird edit. It retains the usual moveset as God Orochi, but has a different palette and aura. The only new feature I found was that he starts as Shiki Tohno from Melty Blood before transforming into Orochi when the round begins. Great for a boss.
111. "Mahatayo by tmtmdrn" A rather broken edit. It's intros loop until the round starts. It retains the usual moveset, but will almost never use them. As it takes damage it's sprites freeze in the position it was when it got hit. It will sometimes hang in mid-air or even float off screen, thus rendering the fight unwinnable. I'd pass on this one.
112. "Mist Emperor by Actarus" An edit of God Orochi, that gives him a new stance, palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset as the original. It has infinite health and power, and cannot be defeated by normal characters.
113. "Bhava-agra by Utsuhofanboy24000" An extremely cheap edit. It's main form of attack is several types of projectiles. All of it's attacks are one-hit KO, and thus it can't be defeated with normal characters. May suddenly disappear from the match, thus forcing you to quit.
114. "Do the Enchanting P3 by Ä«É«ºÚ°×" This edit retains the usual moveset. It's Harae has been edited to fire three at once. It mostly teleports around the stage then performs a special, or hyper. It has infinte power, and it has more health then most edits. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
115. "Ganma by qeg" This edit is similar to the original, but has one new hyper that comsist of flooding the screen with lasers. It's health regenerates overtime, but not in a cheap way. It's damage output is rather high, but it can be defeated, usually with combo heavy characters.
116. Genie De Caerula by SAURER" This edit has had most of the usual moveset removed, it still has Lightning Pillar though. It mostly attacks with projectiles, or melee. It has a unique full-screen hyper where a sphere appears around it and sparks flood the screen, this is a one-hit KO. Another full-screen hyper consist's of a spark that functions like Marukare, but doesn't KO instantly. When KO'd it falls slowly off screen. It's not too terribly cheap, so it fills the roll of a boss pretty well.
117. "Ikaruga by pandabeer44" A very cheap edit, as soon as the round begins it will endlessly perform several full-screen hypers until the opponent is KO'd. It has infinite power, and no hit-boxes.
118. "Itzamna by oreichalkos" This edit retains the usual moveset, but with added effects, a high damage output, and massive amounts of health. It's quite cheap, and while it can easily be defeated with cheaper characters/edits, combo heavy characters might be able to defeat it, albeit with a lot effort.
119. "LH3 by Jun" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it mostly uses full-screen hypers that are one-hit KO's. It' aura has somewhat of a 3D effect. It has infinite power, and cannot be defeated with normal characters.
120. "Mithra by Ahuron" A more balanced edit. It retains the usual moves, and also has a unique fireball attack, it's Hare is fired in a spreading formation, and it also has a full-screen hyper that consists of slashing effect. I highly recommend this one.
121. "Black Mizuchi-1 by ahuron" This edit is similar to the original. New features include a volley of spheres in place of Harae and a full-screen hyper that consists of shimmering light. It also has a projectile that consist of two black, almost invisible flames. It has regenerating health, and can only be damaged with hypers.
122. "False Magic by ÓîÖæÒâʶ" This edit retains the usual moveset. The only new feature I found was a short range burst of it's Harae. Has a really cool intro. Great for a boss.
123. "Mizuchi-A2 by unknown author" A projectile heavy edit. It's attacks consist of a trail of lasers, a floating sphere that shoots lasers, a hyper where it levitates into the air and fires lasers all over the stage, and (you guessed it) a single laser that's a multi-hit projectile. It's not too cheap compared to most edits, and can be defeated with normal characters, albeit with some effort.
124. "OrH20 by unknown author" This edit retains some the original moveset. New features include a long range slash in place of its Harae, a projectile consisting of sparks, and a couple of full-screen hypers. These are not a one-hit KO. Great for a boss.
125. Mizuchi-Type-C by unknown author" This edit is almost unchanged from the original Mizuchi. The only new feature I could find was a black and white sphere fired from the chest, and a couple of full-screen hypers. Other then that, that's about it.
126. "Murochi by ¹«°ÕÀΰ£,ÇÇƼÁã7,Ž±¸Çϴ³²ÀÚ" A cheap edit, it retains the usual moveset, but has been given several insane hypers, these include lasers, pulling the opponent into a sphere then hitting them with a barrage of skulls, and bouncing them around like a pinball when executing Marukare to name a few. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
127. "Indra Day by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi that gives him a new stance, aura, and sprite. The only new feature I found was a massive laser. Other then that it's pretty much the same.
128. "Lori-Orochi by unknown author" Not sure what this Orochi is based off. It is accompanied by Unknown from Eternal Fighter Zero. She cannot be attacked, and if she makes contact with the opponent they will take damage and remain in a stun-like state preventing them from moving until it attacks them. It retains the usual moveset, but it cannot be defeated with normal characters.
129. "Lunatic Cars by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi with a new stance, and palette. It retains all the usual moveset as the original. Great for a boss.
130. "Legend Seven Colorsou by Ä«ºÚ°×" Very cheap edit, it retains the usual moveset, attempting to attack will cause the opponent to take damage instead, it also drains health from the opponent overtime. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
141. "Gold Orochi Gexd by Paprika" An edit of God Orochi that gives him a new palette and aura. It's damage output is quite high, able to take out an opponent very quickly. It has all the specials and hypers as the original. It has infinite power, and no hit-boxes.
142. "Gold of Terrible Shine by unknown author" Very cheap edit, it mostly floods the screen with explosions. It also has a reflective aura, so it can't be defeated with normal characters.
143. "Gold Mumbo Jumbo by ³¬Éñ" This edit, for the most part, is a buffed up version of God Orochi. It retains the usual movset. New features include a trail of exploding sparks fired from the chest, and a hyper where it appears to pull light from outer space, a full-screen attack to be exact. It has slightly more health, and it's damage output is a little higher then the norm. Despite all of this, it's not as cheap as most edits, and makes a great boss. May take some time to load.
144. "God of War by É¿¡îÇé&½ðÉßÌì×ð" This edit retains the usual moveset as the original. The only new attack I could find was one where it transforms into Asura from Samurai Shodown and slams it's weapon into the opponent. Other then that, that's about it. Great for any roster.
145. "What Is My Name? by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset, but all of it's projectiles have been made to be bigger. It also has a full-screen hyper that's an instant KO, but it doesn't use it very often. A great boss for the most part.
146. "God Clone Orochi by Elecbyte & lejiatong" An edit of C-Orochi, it is very cheap. It's attacks consist of sending a whirlwind across the screen, or flooding the screen with them. It can also flood the stage with projectile, and a full-screen hyper where it causes a golden explosion to occur around the opponent. It also has a hurting aura, and infinite health and power. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
147. "Final Golden God Orochi by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset, it's only new attack is a single projectil that becomes a Lightning Pillar on impact. It's Marukare has been replaced with a long range multi-hit attack. It has infinite power, but it's possible to defeat with normal characters, albeit a little difficult.
148. "Heaven and the Serpent Orochi by Cang Lao" An extremely cheap edit of Joutenchi. It spams hyper after hyper, all of which are full-screen, in quick succession. It has infinite power and cannot be defeated with normal characters.
149. "Exile Haiaosi by HELL" This edit retains none of the usual moveset, with the exception of Lightning Pillar, what's pretty neat is that it can use it to juggle the opponent. It can also send a trail of blood across the stage, freeze the opponent and kick them across the stage, fire electric spheres, and create a whirlwind. As cheap as this is, it's a very fun character to play, and I highly recommend this one.
150. "Decepcion Orochi by Etalking" A joke edit of Orochi. It can only cause damage with basic attacks. It's specials will only cause damage to itself. It's taunt damages itself greatly, but if it survives the AI will take over and perform hypers and specials until it is KO'd.
151. Earth Elemant by DRAGONxNOGARD" Extremely cheap edit, all of it's attacks KO instantly. It will usually fire a laser at the start of the match.
152. "Dragon by DRAGONxNOGARD" Just this author's other edit, this edit is also just as cheap, as all of it's attacks KO instantly. It retains the usual moveset.
153. "Devil-Killer Orochi by ħ¹íÎÞµÐŶ" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's speed is quite fast when compared to the other edits. One new attack has it flood the screen with lasers. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
154. "Desperate Ice Orochi by °¢Àêqq948815312" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new stance, palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but they have been edited to look like ice. Makes a great boss.
155. "Dark Green Chaos by BLACK5125 & KBN22" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new stance, palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but they are all an instant KO.
156. "Bright Red Blood Orochi by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi giving it a new palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset. It's aura is quite large, and has a strobe effect. So avoid downloading if your epileptic.
157. Asmodeus by ahuron" Another edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but can also fire black spheres. It has much more health then other edits, and infinite power. Great for a boss.
158. Apatton by TadanoTabibito" Extremely cheap edit, as soon as the match starts the opponent will be instantly KO'd. So it can only be defeated will cheaper characters.
159. "Brakion by TadanoTabibito" Very similar to Apatton, but it will sometimes not kill the opponent instantly and fight like a normal character, but due to a bug the opponent will simply disappear from the match, thus forcing you to quit.
160. "Eight-Headed Serpent by Untruthful Dragon" An edit of Orochi G3 making it even more cheaper. It mainly spams full-screen after full-screen, and has the devils eye killer coding. It is WinMugen only, but I'm currently in the process of trying to patch it to 1.0 and 1.1.
161. "Blue Sky by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but it's attacks have been given different effects. It has no hit-boxes and can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
162. "Mind of Creation and Destruction by ‚Ü‚¶‚Á‚" Often referred to as C.D. for short, this edit's specials have been completely redone. It can flood the screen with lasers, make sparks fall from the sky, and perform full-screen hypers in rapid succession. It is very cheap, but due to it's low health, fast characters stand a fair chance.
163. "Mind of Creation and Destruction V2 by ‚Ü‚¶‚Á‚" This version of C.D. retains the usual moveset, but with different effects applied to them. It can also fire a huge laser from it's chest up to three times in a row, and fire crystal-like projectiles. It has higher health then the norm, as in it can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
164. "Mind of Creation and Destruction(Final Version) by ‚Ü‚¶‚Á‚" This version of C.D. is similar to the second version, it's health has been slightly lowered and the laser has been removed. It retains it's other attacks, and is more balanced compared to the other versions. Makes a decent boss.
165. "Orochi-EV by Orochi Herman & Eagrose" This edit for the most part retains the usual moveset. New features include a trail of lightning, and a unique throwing attack. It has infinite power, and it's health is very high, so it can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
166. "Orochi-LH by Jun" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new stance, palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset. It would make a good boss, if it wasn't for the poor AI.
167. "Orochi Gr, III-Xecution by GGG" This appears to be an edit of Eight-Headed Serpent that has been patched for 1.0 and 1.1. I wasn't able to find any differences between the two, so if anyone does please let me know.
168. "Quinasa Scarlet by PandaciaLake" This edit has been given a unique moveset. These include spark projectiles, teleporting in a laser that damages the opponent if they are too close, and laser pillars to name off some. All of it's attack KO instantly, so it can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
169. "Rainbow and Gold Twilight Orochi by G-X" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette and aura. It retains the usual moveset, and has no hit-boxes.
170. "SNY-LH by ºÚòÔħ×ð" Extremely cheap edit. As soon as the match begins it will perform a full-screen hyper that's an instant KO. It has no hit-boxes and has infinite power.
171. "Spaceowner by Ä«ºÚ°×" This edit only retains Lightning Pillar, but with a different effect. New features include bubble-like spheres, a short range electric attack, and what can only be described as breaking the stage and throwing the cracked piece at the opponent. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
172. "Stone Orochi by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" A really cheap edit, it is mostly based off Mukai, but it also has some unique attacks as well. It's attacks consist of making statue's of other KoF bosses fall from the sky, falling boulders, making stone pillars rise from the ground, and trapping the opponent in a seal that inflicts a multi-hit attack to name a few. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
173. "Super Color Blue Ghost by PJM" A really creepy edit. It mostly rushes the opponent, constanly attempting to use it's soul crush special. It can also fire a massive sphere of energy that's an instant KO. It has infinite power, and has no hit-boxes.
174. "Despair Ice Angel by unknown author" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette, stance, aura, and a few new attacks. These include a ice shard projectile, and an ice wheel. It's health is higher then normal, and it cannot be defeated with normal characters.
175. "Adrammelech by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset. It can also fire a scatter shot of lasers. It loses health overtime.
176. "Metal-Joutenchi by ahuron" A minor edit of Joutenchi that gives it a metalic look. It's damage has been greatly increased, so it can't be defeated with normal characters. It retains the moveset from the original version.
177. "Apollo Mizuchi by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's Marukare has been made into an instant KO. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
178. "Apachai by ahuron" A very creepy edit. It laughs maniacally in a creepy female voice as it attacks. It also causes the whole screen to go black while idle or performing a hyper. Because of this, I can't really say what it's attacks are. Just download, and give it a go.
179. "Aloud by author" Very cheap edit. All of it's attacks are an instant KO. It retains the usual moveset.
180. "Almighty Mizuchi by heil10mugen" This edit is almost unchanged from the original Orochi. The difference I could find was that it has no hit-boxes.
181. "The Will of Earth by SAMSARA" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette. One new feature is that is can fire both Harae and energy spheres at the same time. It can be defeated with normal characters, usually combo heavy ones.
182. "T-Mizuchi-1 by Kanata" This edit cannot be controlled by the player. It is more of a tool then it is a character. It test's whether the opponent can penetrate through state-escapes.
183. "Ahriman by Nashi" Calling this edit "cheap" wouldn't even begin to describe it. As soon as the battle begins it KO's the opponent with I'm guessing it's aura. It can only be defeated with characters like Crazy-Catastrophe.
184. "Mysterious Green(patched for 1.1) by Paprika" A minor update to Mysterious Green that makes it run smoother in Mugen 1.1. It also has a new portrait and intro.
185. "Ares by ahuron" A projectile heavy edit, it's attacks are pretty much the same, but cover a larger range, and cause more damage. It's almost invisible in-game, making it difficult to hit. Despite this, it makes a challenging boss.
186. "Blue Shinning Times by Ñ©Éñ" This edit is mainly a projectile user. These consist of sparks, lasers, and a hyper where it floods the stage with lasers to name of some. It's taunt is actually a devastating combo. As cheap as it is, it's AI is easily beaten.
187. "Dark Eyes by 我是一斗水" This edit has been given a unique set of specials. These consist of falling lasers, black spheres, and full-screen hyper, that's an instant KO. Despite all of this, it's low health makes it more then beatable.
188. "Ice Properties by ½ðÉßÌì×ð/С˧" One of the more interesting edits, all of it's basic attacks have been modified to use icicles as blades. It's attacks include lasers, and several full-screen hypers. It has no hit-boxes and can only be defeated with cheaper edits. One intro is slightly NSFW, but nothing explicit is shown.
189. "Insults the Feathers by Insults changes one's mind the language" A very aggressive edit, it will instant perform a full-screen hyper as soon as the match begins. These hypers include a massive laser, or a black hole. As the name implies. it will sometimes cause feathers to cover the screen.
190. "Keias by 608" A rather broken edit. It retains the usual moveset, even though it has hit-boxes, it takes no damage whatsoever. It also cannot inflict damage either, and can only be defeated with cheaper edits, or pressing F1. I'd pass on this one.
191. "Tabris by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also fire several Harae in a spreading formation, and launch sparks from it's chest. It has infinite power. It also has a hyper where it creates a black hole that KO's instantly. It's possible to defeat it with normal characters, combo heavy ones to be exact.
192. "Unconscious by –¼–³‚µ" This edit features a unique moveset. All of it's specials can be performed with a single button press, It cannot jump or crouch. It doesn't go into a hit-state when attacked. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
193. "God Mizuchi by unknown author" An extremely cheap edit , all of it's attacks KO instantly, so it can only be KO'd with cheaper edits.
194. "Ultimate God Mizuchi by ahuron" This edit retains some of the usual movset, it can also fire pink spheres, and large blue flames. It's health regenerates overtime, but it's also low compared to most characters, so it's more then beatable.
195. "Azure Chaotic God Mizuchi by SaikyoSuperman" This edit is a lightning user. It can fire a short, or long range electric shock. It can also launch electric spheres, and can create a barrier that absorbs projectiles. It has massive health and can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
196. "Merciful God by ahuron" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette, and aura. Although this edit does retain the usual moveset, it suffers from a glitch where after a certain amount of time passes it's health will no longer decrease when attacked, thus making it impossible to defeat without cheaper characters.
197. "White Times by 608" This edit retains the usual moveset. It has the reflective aura, but it causes no damage. It also has no hit-boxes.
198. "Banshee by didwldns" This edit retains some of the usual moveset, but it can also fire a scattershot of lasers and a massive laser from it's chest. It has infinite health and cannot be defeated with normal characters.
199. "Blue Curse by oreichalkos" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's specials have been given new effects, and it's health is higher then the norm. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
200. "Das Schwache by Reire" An interesting edit. It can send, what appears to be a tornado across the stage, fire a wind-like laser, and flood the screen with a slashing effect. It's possible to defeat with normal characters, but difficult.
201. "Devils Eye by nova" One of the more popular edits, it's cheapness depends on which palette is selected. It's attacks consist of lasers, rapidly teleporting and performing a long string of combos, and two hypers. One consisting of a huge laser, and another that's a full-screen attack where Soul Edge's eye appears in the background. Palette's one through six can be defeated like normal, as it dies with a single, but palette's seven and twelve can only be defeated with cheaper characters. I highly recommend this one.
202. "Sapphire by Ñ©Éñ" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette and aura. New features include a new effect for Lightning Pillar, and a hyper where it summons chain-like crystals at long range that's an instant KO. Despite this, it fills the role of a boss pretty well.
203. "The Will of Universe by Samsara" A cheap edit. It retains the usual moveset, and also has a full-screen attack where it creates a galactic explosion. It has no hit-boxes and is AI only.
204. "Black Dark Mizuch by ahuron" This retains the usual moveset. It is accompanied by three clones of itself, unlike normal strikers, they remain on the stage as if they were another character altogether. It seldom uses it's specials, that is, if it has any. I don't what to say about this one, so just give it a go if you want.
205. "Mizuchi-KOFM by Hell" This Mizuchi has gameplay from the fan-made game The King of Fighters Memorial. It retains the usual movset, but it can also flood the stage with Harae, and perform a unique hyper where it traps the opponent in what also looks like a Harae and makes them float as they take damage. Great for any roster.
206. "Shadow Dark Mizuchi by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it mainly just teleports close to the opponent then performs a full-screen one-hit KO. It has no hit-boxes.
207. "Tenebrae by ahuron" This edit is mostly unchanged from the original, but it can also flood the stage with Lightning Pillars. It's also very fast and can spam it's hypers in rapid succession. Strangely, it loses all of it's power if it gets hit.
208. "Black Hat Mizuchi by Mizuchi" Very cheap edit, all of it's attacks are a one-hit KO. It retains the usual moveset. It's aura is.....rather creepy.
209. "Heaven's Fallen Saint by ShinAkario" This edit retains the usual movset, but it's dash attack causes explosions in the aftermath. It can also fire a massive laser. It has infinite health and cannot be defeated with normal characters.
210. "Xin by ÓîÖæÒâʶ" This edit retains some of the original moveset. The only new feature I found was a projectile that freezes the opponent. The AI will usually perform a full-screen one-hit KO afterwards. The hypers are a little trippy, so take care when downloading.
211. "Alsiel by ahuron" One of the more popular edits. It's cheapness depends on which palette is selected. It has the usual moveset, but they have been edited to deal more damage, especially Harae. It's twelfth palette cannot be defeated with normal characters.
212. "Alsiel by PJM" This version of Alsiel has been given a few new attacks. These consist of slashing black shadows, and a new effect for Lightning Pillar. It's damage output has been slightly reduced.
213. "Alsiel 3rd by Alsiel" This version of Alsiel has the usual moveset, but can also slam the opponent into the edge of the stage, and it can create a white flash that knocks the opponent back. It's soul crush special is an instant KO.
214. "Alsiel-Aegis by ahuron" This version of Alsiel is AI only. It can flood the screen with Lightning Pillar, and will usually spam full-screen hypers. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters. May crash Mugen.
215. "Gold Alsiel by ahuron" This version of Alsiel has been given a golden aura, hence the name, It's twelfth palette is gold though. It retains the usual moveset as the original version.
216. "Green Alsiel by nyorochi" Similar to Gold Alsiel, but of course with a green twelfth palette instead. It can also flood the stage Lightning Pillar.
217. Arien Alsiel by ahuron" This version of Alsiel fires black waves of energy, and also retains the usual moveset. May crash Mugen.
218. "Legend Darkness Alsiel by Black5125" This version of Alsiel retains the usual moveset, but can also fire a huge laser from it's chest. It also has a Full-screen hyper that KO's instantly. It can only be defeated with cheaper edits.
219. "The Black Sun of Alsiel by Alsiel" Like most versions of Alsiel, it's cheapness depends on the palette selected. It can flood the stage with Lightning Pillar, fire a huge laser, and also fire it's Harae like a saw blade. For the most part, it's more of a boss character, except of course for it's twelfth palette.
220. "Phoenix Colorful by ½ðÉßÌì×ð" A rather interesting edit, it only retains Lightning Pillar, but with a different effect. It can also make lasers rain down, and perform a full-screen slashing attack, which is usually followed by a laser. Not too terrible cheap compared to most edits, and is a challenging boss.
221. "Mizuchi-Type-L by unknown author" A broken/joke edit. It's intro makes it look like your going to fight some epic boss, but as soon as the battle begins it KO's itself. Even trying to use it in training mode is futile, as all it will do is keep getting knocked back. I'd pass on this one.
222. "Mizuchi Angel by ‚Ý‚©‚¦‚é" This edit is AI only, and comes with it's own theme music. It's attacks consist several bloody red projectiles, lightning strikes, and creating clones of itself, It's health is quite high, and it doesn't go into a hit-state when attacked. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
223. "Minisiel by ƒIƒƒ^" This edit has been given chibi like sprites. It has the usual moveset, but they are all an instant KO, so it can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
224. "Master Mechanical Mizuchi by BK" A rather strange edit. It's walking animations is very slow, and it's jumping animations are rather floaty. The only specials I could find are a short range slashing attack, and a kick attack that barely resembles the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku from Street Fighter. The AI is rather poor.
225. "Lelial by unknown author" A cheap edit of God Orochi, that gives it a new palette and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but it's aura has been given the reflector treatment, so any attempt to attack it will result in the opponent being damaged instead. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
226. Lelial 2nd by unknown author" This version of Lelial is AI only, and it will always perform a full-screen hyper that KO's instantly at the start of the battle. May suddenly crash Mugen.
227. "Hell Angel by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset, and can also fire a scatter shot of lasers. It has infinite power, and no hit-boxes.
228. "Despair Angel by ÄÔ²Ð" This edit retains the usual moveset, but is mostly a projectile heavy character. The only thing new I could find was blue spheres that seek the target. It's health regenerates overtime.
229. "God Despair Angel V4 by ²Ð" Another projectile heavy edit, these consist of sparks, Harae, and spheres mostly. It can also juggle the opponent a different version of Harae as well. It's health regenerates overtime.
230. "Belial by ahuron" An edit of Alsiel. It retains the usual moveset, but all of it's attacks KO instantly. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
231. "Desperate Angel by Residual brain" An edit of God Orochi that gives it a new stance, palette, and aura. It retains the usual moveset, but has been given different effects. It's health also regenerates.
232. "Desperate Angel -V2 by ÄÔ²Ð" This version of Desperate Angel has been edited to be extremely cheap, meaning it has infinite health, all of it's attacks KO instantly.
233. "Desperate Angel -V5 by ºÎºì±ó/ÓîÖæÒâʶ" This version of Desperate Angel is very similar to the first, but has been given a gold palette and new intro. It's damage output has been raised drastically. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
234. "Arael by didwldns" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it has infinite health, and all it's attacks are an instant KO.
235. "Blackness G Hell Mizuchi by Genesis & blood72" Very similar to the original edit, but with no aura. It's only considered to be cheap in it's twelfth palette. The other palettes can be defeated like normal.
236. "Zamiel by kjha435y" This edit is based off Magaki, as of such, it has all of Magaki's projectiles, as well as it's full-screen hyper.
237. "Zeruel by Alsiel & PJM" This edit is very similar to the second Alsiel, as it has mostly the same moveset as said edit. FF3 did reveal that it has more sprites then Alsiel, but I've never seen anything new used in game. It also has a different portrait.
238. "Black Hunter by ahuron" Extremely cheap edit. It has infinite health and power, and it's main form of attack are various projectiles. It also has a hyper where a huge black wave of energy comes from it's aura, this is an instant KO.
239. "Black Space Power Mizuchi by ahuron" Also known simply as Black Power Mizuchi, this edit has Magaki's projectiles, and can also fire a trail of sparks from it's chest. It's health regenerates overtime. Great for a boss.
240. "Grey Super by chaoshen" This edit retains the usual moveset, and can also flodd the stage with Lightning Pillar and fire black spheres. It's aura is rather trippy so take care when downloading. It has infinite power, and it's AI is rather poor.
241. "Hastur by apelao" A widely known joke edit. The majority of it's attacks are taken from Rare Akuma, such as the Katamari ball of characters, and kicking the moon or Deathstar from the sky and crushing the opponent. It can also launch images of itself, and numerous other projectiles, these include skulls, spheres, and lasers. It's cheapness depends on which palette is selected, but even it's primary palette (pictured) can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
242. "Hyper Mizuchi by ahuron" This edit is retains the usual moveset, but they have been edited to cause more damage. It also has a hurting aura, and doesn't go into a hit-state when attacked.
243. "Lifebar by piyo" A very strange edit, it's only form of attack is projectiles. These include bullets, fireballs, and what looks like coding to name of a few. I'm not sure how to rate this one.
244. "Master Mizuchi by Etalking" This edit is based of Krizalid's second form. It mainly has Krizalid's basic moveset. It doesn't seem to have any hypers. It's AI is moderate.
245. "Mizuchi the Ripper by ahuron" This edit has been made into a brawler, as the majority of it's attacks consist of rapid kicks and punches. It has no projectiles. Makes for a decent boss.
246. "Volcanic Thunder Mizuchi by katamayu" This edit retains the usual moveset, but has been given two new full-screen hypers, where it either covers the whole stage in flames, or electricity, hence its name. It's health and power regenerates overtime, but not rapidly.
247. "Mr. R by NGS" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's specials have been given different effects, such as Lightning Pillar looking like a huge column of light. It also has two new full-screen hypers, both of which consist of shimmering light.
248. "Boss Mizuchi by beppu" This edit is almost completely unchanged from the original Mizuchi, but it has been given custom gameplay, but I can't exactly say from what.
249. "Eyes Eyes V2 by ºüÀꣻÌìÊ" Thi edit retains the usual moveset, and can also fire a huge laser from it's chest. It suffers from a glitch where it leaves multiple copies of itself on the stage. This can result in the opponent focusing on the wrong target.
250. "Terminator Orochi by jor8a" Another edit made to play like Krizalid. Like the others, it has Krizalid's basic moveset. This one can also fire a huge lase from its hand as well.
251. "Phantom Mizuchi Abyss by okihaito" A very cheap edit, some of it's attacks are similar to Crazy-Catastrophe. It mostly floods the screen with lasers, Harae, and also creates clones of itself. It is 1.0 only.
252. "The Will of Darkness by ƒGƒj[ƒW" This edit is one part brawler, another part projectile user. It uses a flurry of kicks, and can also fire ghostly images of itself. It's power regenerates overtime. Great for a boss.
253. "Classic Mizuchi-V1 by The Raven Effect" A fusion of ahuron's Mizuchi, and Zelgadis's Orochi. It has the usual moveset as Mizuchi, as well as it's win quotes from NGBC. It also has custom sprites. A little bare-bones but decent overall.
254. "Classic Mizuchi-V2 by The Raven Effect" This updated version of Classic Mizuchi is mostly the same as the other, but with a few additional sounds.
255. "Classic Mizuchi-V3 by KBN22" Another update to Classic Mizuchi that fixes more sounds, and sprite issues. It can also charge up it's power bar, and side step attacks by teleporting.
256. "Classic Mizuchi(Final Version) by KBN22" The last update of Classic Mizuchi. It has new palettes, fixed sprites, and sounds, several new attacks, and the damage scale has been balanced. A great character for any roster.
257. "J.C. Mizuchi by unknown author" A very cheap edit, it's very projectile and full-screen heavy. It can fire it's Harae in multiple directions, but will mostly just keep performing full-screen hypers until the opponent is KO'd. It has no hit-boxes.
258. "Nihilistic by unknown author" Another projectile heavy edit, it can fire it's Harae in sevreral directions. It's AI is bugged, as it will stop attacking shortly after the match starts allowing for an easy win.
259. "2nd Nihilistic by ahuron" The second version of Nihilistic. It's very cheap, It can flood the stage with lasers, fire black spheres, and even turn invisible. Has it's own theme music. It's Thardus's theme from Metroid Prime. It cannot be defeated with normal characters. May suddenly crash Mugen.
260. "3rd Nihilistic by ahuron & Alsiel" This version of Nihilistic is the most balanced of the three. It mainly just uses projectiles, mostly launching Harae in several different directions. It fits the role of a boss pretty well.
261. "Zerast by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset. It's very similar to the first version of Alsiel, as it has moxtly the same attack patterns. It's not too terribly cheap compard to other edits, and makes a good boss.
262. "Water Element by DRAGONxNOGARD" A very cheap edit. All of it's attacks are an instant KO, thus it can't it be defeated with normal characters.
263. "Vibrant Orochi by unknown author" A simple edit of God Orochi that gives it a new palette and aura. Other then that it's pretty much the same.
264. "Thunderbolt by SAIKEI" This edit only retains the basic moveset, but none of the specials or hypers. It can create a cone of electricity as an anti-air attack, and launch four black spheres that seek the target. It has no hit-boxes.
265. "Tempest by ///" Another cheap edit, all attacks KO instantly, and it also has infinite health. The only new attack I've seen a several orange sphere projectiles.
266. "The End of Firmament by pandabeer44" An edit of Alsiel. It can flood the stage with Lightning Pillar, and has various full-screen hypers. It has no hit-boxes, and all of it's attacks KO instantly.
267. "Itetuku Buront by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset. The only thing new I could find was black spheres as a new projectile. It's damage scale is pretty high, but not to the point where it's impossible to KO.
268. "Cronous Mizuchi by sunishell" Not sure what to think of this edit. It doesn't seem to have anything new. It retains the usual moveset.
269. "Friendship Metal by ºüÀê" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also fire a scatter shot of lasers, and sparks. It has infinite health and power.
270. "Yuan by beppu & ½ðÉßÌì×ð" One of the more interesting edits. It retains the basic moves, and the special Marukare. It can also trap the opponent in it's shadow then imprison them in chains followed by a beat down. Other features include laser like spears, trapping the opponent in a bubble, a rapid flurry of kicks, sending a tornado across the stage, and Magaki's full-screen hyper to name of some. It has infinite power, and it's health is quite high, but the AI plays quite fairly, and it's a very good boss.
281. "Gold Mizuchi by -_-/***" A minor edit of God Orochi that gives it a new aura, palette, and stance. It retains the original moveset, but now has regenerating health, but not to the point of being unbeatable.
282. "Gold Mizuchi 3rd by СÉßÌì×ð" Extremely cheap edit, as soon as the round starts, it will perform a full-screen OHKO. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
283. "Gold Mizuchi-Type-G by haseeb1g" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's projectiles are now invisible, and it also has a full-screen OHKO. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
284. "Dark Silverwing by beppu % ½ðÉßÌì×ð" This edit is almost unchanged from the original. New feature include, a dive kick that chains into a sliding attack, and an exploding projectile. Great for a boss battle.
285. "GGGGG by unknown author" Although this edit retains none of the moveset as the original, it is still very cheap. It's only form of attack is creating a white spark that instantly KO's the opponent, but they will still remain standing or in whatever animation they we're doing at the time. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
286. "Shin Leng by Grey & HalfOtaku" A joke edit. It can stretch it's limbs, has Mario's jump effect when it jumps, and numerous full-screen hypers Even it's basic attacks are done in a rather humorous manner. It can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
287. TGTGTGTGTGTG by unknown author" This edit is similar to GGGGG, as it mainly has the same attack pattern, but it instead makes the opponent disappear when it performs it's full-screen hyper. Unlike GGGGG. it also has the usual moveset, but Magaki's projectiles as well. It can't be defeated with normal characters.
288. "YD Orochi by ¾WÍ" Although this edit is mostly God Orochi with a different aura and palette, all of it's attacks are an instant KO.
289. "Dark Heaven by ËÞÃü" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also shoot a variety of lasers, and has regenerating health. It is possible to defeat with normal characters, but extremely difficult.
290. "Shin God Mizuchi by ahuron & Alma" This edit is similar to the original, but it now has Magaki's projectiles and full-screen hyper. It's Lightning Pillar also covers most of the screen. It also has regenerating health.
291. "Lord Mizuchi by ahuron" This edit doesn't seem to be any different then God Orochi, as I wasn't able to find anything new, if anyone does let me know.
292. "Lord Mizuch EX by ahuron" Pretty much the same as God Orochi, but with regenerating health, and a much more brutal AI.
293. "Denchanting Keny by oreichalkos" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also fire lasers, and it's taunt can damage the opponent if they stand too close. It has no hit-boxes.
294. "Golden Butterfly by qq1660105568" This edit retains the usual moveset, but all of it's hypers KO instantly, and it also has a hurting aura. It can only be defeated with cheaper edits.
295. "Light Ray Mizuchi by unknown author" A very cheap edit, all of it's attacks KO instantly, and it has no hit-boxes. It retains the usual moveset, and has Magaki's projectiles.
296. "Lost Sanctuary by HalfOtaku" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also fire a scatter-shot of lasers. It has infinite health and power.
297. "Solitary by ahuron" An edit of Alsiel. It retains the usual moveset, but it's health is quite high, and it's soul crush is an instant KO. Defeating it with normal characters is next to impossible, as it is nearly invisible in-game.
298. "Tragedy by pjm3248" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it can also trap the opponent in it's Harae and launch them skyward. It has no hit-boxes.
299. "Yamata No Orochi by BlackSnow" An interesting edit. It can create clones of itself that will float toward the opponent then explode on impact. It can also fire a laser, and it's health is quite high, it's damage scale is also very high.
300. "Yakumo by ahuron" This edit retains the basic moves, but none of the specials. It is mainly a joke edit, where it moves around at high speed. It's taunt is a multi-hit, which is followed by Marukare, this is an instant KO. It can also fly of stage in a drill-like manner, and kick the opponent until they are KO'd. Despite this, it doesn't perform these attacks often and can be defeated with normal characters.
301. "Trideca Alecto Mizuchi by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset, and can also fire a much larger Harae. It's somewhat broken, as it's air attacks are incapable of causing damage. I'd pass on this one.
302. "Robo-Mizuchi by sudara13" One of the more unique edits. It only retains Marukare, it can also fire a laser diagonally from its chest, launch itself like a missile for an anti-air move, send Harae across the floor, and a hyper where it jumps into the air and performs a full-screen attack where it covers the screen in what looks like smoke. Great for a boss.
303. "Pluto Mizuchi by 4093" An extremely cheap edit. As soon as the battle starts it will immediately perform a full-screen OHKO. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
304. "FFFFFF by unknown author" This edit retains the usual moveset. It doesn't go into a hit-state when attacked. It's health is very high, and is very cheap. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
305. "WTF Mizuchi by 2010LifeGame & Areankaine74u" A joke edit, although it has the usual moveset, it has been given a strange voice of which I have no idea of where it originates. It damage scale is lower then the norm, and it's AI is quite poor.
306. "Tim Skai by Hachishiki-Tokkou-Ningyou" A cheap/joke edit. It retains some of the original moveset. It can also fire a volley of spheres or Harae. It's attacks have a strong knock back as well. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
307. "Orozuchi by ahuron & Alma" An extremely cheap edit. It has a hurting aura and it can also flood the whole stage with lasers. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
308. "Orochi Mizuchi by ahuron" I'm not sure what to think about this one. Judging from the name, it's meant to be a fusion of both Orochi and Mizuchi, but it doesn't seem to have any new features, other then when it's Harae hits the opponet it grows in size.
309. "Nozuchi by GeorgeW" Another edit that is meant to be a fusion of Orochi and Mizuchi. It has it's usual moveset, but the projectile looks more like Orochi's while it's sprites are that of Mizuchi's.
310. "Uzachi by ahuron" A cheap/joke edit. It stays in the pictured stance throughout the entire match. It's attacks consist of flipping around the stage and filling the stage with clones of itself. It's movement somewhat looks like break dancing. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
311. "Measureless Sinchi by ahuron & ¾WÍ" A very cheap edit, it's damage scale has been raised drastically. It's attacks consist of flooding the screen with lasers, and bombarding the opponent with Harae. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
312. "Inazumachi by 2OS" One of the more unique edits. It's cheapness depends on which palette you select. As it battles, two gauges fill up, and this is what powers it's hypers, some of which include, lightning bolts, sparks, and ramming the opponent to name of some. I highly recommend this one.
313. "Mizuchi Grade-I by GGG & Mapelao" This edit retains the usual moveset, but it's speed, and damage scale has been increased greatly. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
314. "Mizuchi-Q by unknown author" A projectile heavy edit. It's attacks consist of sparks, falling lasers, lasers coming out of the ground, and even zig-zagging lasers. It's possible to defeat with normal characters, but very difficult.
315. "Scarlet Dream by Ñ©Éñ" Another projectile heavy edit. These include lasers, a full-screen energy wave, as well a single laser fired from it's hand that KO's instantly. However despite being cheap, it's AI is rather poor, and can defeat rather easily. It has infinite power.
316. "God Drak Orochi by ahuron" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also flood the screen with lasers, fire sparks, and a huge lasers. It has a bug where the AI will stop working after a few seconds into the round.
317. "Universe Dark Mizuchi by ahuron" An extremely cheap edit. As soon as the battle starts, it will immediately perform a full-screen hyper that KO's instantly. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
318. "Purple Dream by ÉñÖ®ÃλÃ-СËÕ" This edit retains some of the usual moveset. It can also fire a trail of sparks, and perform a full-screen hyper that it can perform over and over in rapid succession. It's speed has been greatly increased, and it has no hit-boxes and infinite power.
319. "Purple Dream V2 by The Snow God£ & Dream Of God" This version of Purple Dream is more like your typical cheap boss character. It's attacks consist of trapping the opponent with chains, a teleporting to name of a couple. It causes the background to go dark during battle. It also has a full-screen hyper that KO's instantly but it seldom uses it.
320. "White or Black Dark Aglaia by Donald+AA" A projectile heavy edit. It retains the usual moveset, but can also perform a teleporting spin kick. It's 12th palette cannot be defeated with normal characters. May fail to load on occasions.
321. "Mizuchi-Type-M by 608" One of the more stranger edits. It can fire a short range black sphere like a hadoukan, stretch it's limbs, cause rubble to fall from the sky, and even has a version of the Tatsumaki spin kick to name of some. A decent character overall.
322. "Igniz by ahuron" This edit retains most of the usual moveset. but it can also flood the stage with lasers, and fire a volley of black spheres. Makes a great boss.
323. "Kouryuu by ahuron" A projectile heavy edit. By heavy, I mean good luck scoring a hit on this beast. It's projectiles consist of the usual Harae, a volley of Harae, lasers, fireballs, spheres, and it can also charge into the opponent quite rapidly. It's 12th palette can only be defeated with cheaper characters.
324. "Mizuchi-Type-X by haseeb1g" A broken edit. It dies at the start the round, thus it's only playable in training mode, and even then it can't do much except use it's hurting aura and basic attacks. Unless your trying to collect all the Orochi's, I'd pass on this one.
325. "Golden God Kau by ahuron" This edit has some of Magaki's attacks, mainly his projectiles. but it can also fire a stream of flames from it's chest. The AI isn't too bad, as it will use projectiles while at a distance, but will use melee if forced into a corner. A great character overall.
326. "Lord of Sith by Éñ¤ÎجÃÎ" This edit retains the usual moveset, but can also fire a scatter-shot of lasers, and fire spheres. It has infinite health, and power. It has no hit-boxes.
327. "OrochiWWW by ryu1sou" Also known as HaHaHa Orochi, this edit is mainly a joke edit. All it does is fire lasers, and can also the Ao Oni's head as a projectile. Good luck defeating it....
328. "Mizubachi by unknown author" A joke edit. In game it is quite small. It's only form of attack is launching copies of itself as projectiles, and ramming into the opponent, which just so happens to be an instant KO. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
329. "Orochi Hi-Res by 41" This edit retains the usual moveset. As you can see, it has been given high resolution sprites, other then that, that's pretty much it. A great character overall.
330. "Voc by 41" Not really sure what to to think about this one. Looks like an unknown author was going to edit 41's Orochi, but only changed the name.
331. "H-Mizuchi by ahuron" A joke edit. The H apparently stands for hentai, but their is nothing explicit about it from what I could find. It's moveset is rather limited, as in a fart attack that launches it forward, sometimes with a drill attached to it's chest. ahuron probably made this character as a way of tricking people who were looking for hentai characters.
332. "Mizuch-I-GniZ by Colosse" A literal fusion of Mizuchi and Igniz. It's movest consists Igniz's slashing attacks, and a multi-hit with his cape. It also has a projectile that vaguely resembles Mizuchi's Harae. Great for a boss.
333. "Angra Mainyu by type=S" An extremely cheap edit. Just before the match starts, the opponent will already be frozen, and then it will perform a OHKO right when the match begins. It cannot be defeated with normal characters. May suddenly crash mugen.
334. "Angra Mainyu X by type=s & ahuron" This version is "supposedly" cheaper, but unfortunately I can't say why because shortly after the match (finally) loads Mugen crashes. It's 1.0 only.
335. "Orochi by GONZO-" This edit is almost unchanged from the original. It retains the usual moveset, specials, and hypers. It also has several strikers, such as Earthquake, and Choi Bounge. A good character overall.
336. "Great-V2 by Õ½Éñ" An edit of Sariel, it is pretty cheap. It attacks by firing sparks, and charging into the opponent. It also has the usual moveset, and a full-screen hyprt that kills instantly. It doesn't go into a hit-state if attack, and defeating it with normal characters is extremely difficult.
337. "God Orochi 2P by ahuron" I'm not sure what to think of this one. This appears to be an edit of God Orochi, but I haven't been able to find any differences between the two. If anyone does let me know.
338. "Agares by ahuron & Fe" A rather unusual edit. It retains some of the basic movest. It's attacks consist of firing it's Harae for a short distance then having said projectile launch a fireball. A hyper where it pulls it's opponent into a portal then hitting them with a barrage of lasers, a large Harae that acts like a saw blade, and a grab attack where the screen goes black that's a multi-hit to name a few. It has infinite power.
339. "A-God Orochi by ahuron" Another edit of God Orochi. I unfortunately couldn't find anything new with this edit. I'm guessing the A stands for Another, so this edit was probably just meant to be a simple clone of God Orochi.
340. "ALICE-qzs0411[Qi] by nyorochi" An edit of Alsiel. It is very projectile heavy, mainly firing sparks, and double Harae. It also has the usual moveset. It's power generates automatically.
341. "Ahriman by Nashi" This is the updated version of Ahriman. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything different with it. If anyone does, please let me know.
342. "Mizuchi by 00" This edit retains the usual moveset. The only thing different is it's aura, and it's special attacks have been given different effects. It can also fire multiple Harae at once, and it's power generates automatically. It has a brutal AI, but isn't cheap to the point of being unbeatable.
343. "Alma Orochi Boss by ahuron" This version of Alma Orochi is similar to the original version, but the hurting aura has been removed, and it's health has changed from 200 to the usual. It doesn't go into a hit-state when attacked, and despite it being made into a boss, it can't be defeated with normal characters.
344. "Alma Orochi Damonic by RESGOD" This version of Alma Orochi is very similar to the original, but with a bigger hurting aura, and after performing it's soul crush hyper, will throw the opponent into the wall. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
345. "Alma Orochi(Version 0.29) by haseeb1g" An even more cheaper edit of Alma Orochi. Although the hurting aura has been removed, all of it's attacks KO instantly, even if blocked.
346. "Alma Orochi Final by ahuron & alma" This edit seems to be a fusion of the original Alma Orochi and Alma Orochi Damonic. It retains the usual moveset, and also has it's hurting aura. It doesn't go into a hit-state if damaged. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
347. "Alsiel 6th by ahuron" Another version of Alsiel. Aside from being nearly invisible in game, I wasn't able to find anything unique from the other versions. It retains the usual moveset, and it's AI is quite brutal.
348. "Alsiel 02/21 by ìŽÒ–¼" I'm not sure what version of Alsiel this is. This one very projectile heavy, and as of such will spam lasers, and it's lightning pillar to no end. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
349. "Alsiel 20090602 by ahuron" Another projectile heavy Alsiel edit. This one can also flood the stage with lightning pillars. It has the usual moveset.
350. "Alsiel 0314 by ALSIEL" This edit has been given a very brutal, and rather smart AI, as it will mix-up it's switch between using projectiles, and using melee. It retains the usual moveset, but with a different effect.
351. "Alsiel 0318 by ALSIEL" This version is identical to Alsiel 0314. I wasn't able to find anything difference between the two, if anyone does, let me know.
352. Alsiel 8th by Alsiel" One of the more cheaper versions of Alsiel. Although it retains the usual moveset, it will almost immediately perform a full-screen hyper that KO's instantly. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.
353. "Alsiel Orochi by ƒQƒwƒi" Extremely cheap edit. It spams full-screen hypers like theirs no tomorrow. It cannot be defeated with normal characters.